Saturday, 28 March 2009

Mass Effect 2

You know, I am quite looking forward to this game.
ME 1 is one of my all time favourite games and word has it, E3 will reveal a lot of what will happen.
Hopefully new team mates will be added, and some of the old ones will make a return too.

Bioshock 2 will also be brilliant, regardless of what some people think.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Back to it

Well I've finally made a profile on the Mario Wiki so now I can help out with the editing and new article making there.
Also, I am replaying Half Life 2 on 360 as its a very good game, and I do enjoy shooting the Combine soldiers up.

Short entry but good.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Resident Evil 5: A short review

Yesterday I purchased Resident Evil 5 for the 360 and I got the Special Edition, which contained:
A Metal Case with cool artwork on it,
An Hour long "Making of" DVD,
1 Giant Axe Man Figurine, (Pre-order gift)
And obviously the game itself.

Now, in looks its a lot brighter than Resi 4 which was often quite murky (but that was the style of that game mind you) and it begins off quietly, the villagers don't attack you on sight like the Ganados did, its not until about 10 minutes into it do they start to attack.

The Enemy AI is quite intelligent as they all use cover, swerve from side to side to dodge your shots and often work as a team to get you, Sheva's AI is pretty good, in that she dodges traps and can handle herself well, but more often than not, she will insist on using the Handgun to fight bosses with, even though she has more powerful weapons on her.

Weapons are standard Resi fare, Handguns, shotguns, sniper rifles etc, sadly The Merchant isn't here to buy guns from, but between each chapter (and if you die) you can purchase new guns and upgrade your weapons with the gold and treasure you find.

Many people are complaining that its no longer scary, that's true but what its lost in scariness is made up by tense situations since your now back to limited items slots and can only hold so much, and there's more enemies than ever so now you need to think when you fight, not just spray bullets everywhere.

The story is only relevant to fans, as the game pretty much expects you to know everything, however you can read about the series history in the games files if you are new.

To sum, Resident Evil 5 is a good game, a little short perhaps but at least it never gets boring as its 1 continous fight after the other.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Resident Evil releases

Ah, so the latest installment of Resident Evil is released tomorrow.
Of course I have it on Pre-order so I'll be right there to claim it first thing in the morning.

In other news, I am still adventuring in Fallout 3, Grenades and the Plasma Rifle are my tools of the trade, I can solve all arguments with them you know.

More on this tomorrow/

Monday, 9 March 2009

Left 5 Dead

So so, new news on Survival mode for L4D has been posted on IGN.
Allegedly its a timed game, that meaning you can spend ages sorting out defenses, finding the best places to make a stand, gather weapons before you start off the actual battle.
From then on, its a fight to the death with the increasingly large horde and waves of special infected that can include groups of Hunters, Smokers and twin Tanks.

Valve themselves have only lasted 9 minutes so I'll see if I can best that time, and I'm thinking that I probably can.
Well it is based upon 12 areas from the 4 campaigns and 1 is totally new, and I can last forever in Mercy Hospital.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Fallout Fun

Now then, after spending a few hours scouring the Capitol Wasteland with Flamer in hand and Winterized Power Armor for clothes, I've realized something.
This game, even after you finish every main and side quest still has loads to see, as its 16 real life miles big and there's literally something to see everywhere.
Granted its mostly Giant Radscorpions, Enclave Troops and Deathclaws but it gives me something to use my vast amount of ammo on.

Enclave Radio and GNR are also good stations to have playing as the games proper score, while good, just isn't exploration happy.

The News as written by a madman

Funny entry titles make everything that much better.
Last night, I was playing on Left 4 Dead with a few friends on Xbox Live, I was on the No Mercy campaign like usual, since the others are too easy and overplayed.
I do wish Valve would hurry up with the new DLC though but shooting hordes of Infected never gets boring, especially with other people.

Ah and the next lot of Fallout 3 DLC is due out soon, now that will be worth 800 MS points right there.
Sadly, being a Lv 20 character means I'll blast every enemy away but who knows, maybe it'll be scaled up to avoid this.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

A wonderful day

Now, I'm not a fan of the sunshine, so today's cloudy gray sky and windy weather was certainly a nice thing for me.
So I went to the shops, iPod in tow like usual, but this time I was quite happy due to the weather plus walking with music is my idea of fun.

I only bought food which is hardly thrilling stuff but its better than sitting inside eh?